Ranking and references
Eva-Maj Mühlenbock of Cirio Advokatbyrå is renowned for her outstanding experience and expertise in the public procurement field. She regularly represents contracting entities and suppliers in the administrative courts. (Chambers)
Eva-Maj has been ranked by Chambers for 18 years and ranked as Senior Statespeople for 12 years.
Eva-Maj is named Leading Individual by Legal 500.
Eva-Maj Mühlenbock
Eva-Maj is senior counsel and has over 30 years’ experience of advising public and private sector clients on all aspects of public procurement and competition law. Eva-Maj has been a leading lawyer in these areas for many years. Additionally, she has unparalleled experience in the area of commercial dispute resolution.
Furthermore, Eva-May is the Chair of the Swedish Bar Association in which she has played a leading role in recent years. Additionally, Eva-Maj has been a member of the board of The Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute (Sw: Institutet Mot Mutor “IMM”) since March 2023, which is an historic non-profit organization that was founded in 1923.
Eva-Maj is co-author of the Commentary on the Swedish Public Procurement Act (Sw: Kommentar till Lag (2016:1145) om offentlig upphandling) and the Commentary on the Swedish Public Procurement Act within the Water, Energy, Transport and Postal Services Sectors. In addition, Eva-Maj has on several occasions been invited by the Swedish Government to participate in “round table discussions”.
2019 | Cirio Advokatbyrå |
2003 - 2018 | Advokatfirman Lindahl, Partner |
2000 - 2002 | Ernst & Young, Partner |
1991 - 2000 | Tisell & Co Advokatfirma, Partner |
1985 - 1990 | Tisell & Co Advokatfirma, Associate |
1983 - 1985 | Södra Roslags District Court |
1982 - 1983 | Law firm Wendell, Lakefish, Froelich & Power, Seattle, USA |
1982 | Stockholm University, LL.M. |
2003 | Member of the Swedish Bar Association (earlier 1989-2000) |
Swedish |
English |
Eva-Maj is co-author of the Commentary on the Swedish Public Procurement Act (Kommentar till Lag (2016:1145) om offentlig upphandling, upplaga 3, utgiven 2021) |
She is also co-author to the Commentary on the Swedish Act on Public Procurement Act within the Water, Energy, Transport and Postal Services Sectors. |
Ranking and references
Eva-Maj Mühlenbock of Cirio Advokatbyrå is renowned for her outstanding experience and expertise in the public procurement field. She regularly represents contracting entities and suppliers in the administrative courts. (Chambers)
Eva-Maj has been ranked by Chambers for 18 years and ranked as Senior Statespeople for 12 years.
Eva-Maj is named Leading Individual by Legal 500.
2019 | Cirio Advokatbyrå |
2003 - 2018 | Advokatfirman Lindahl, Partner |
2000 - 2002 | Ernst & Young, Partner |
1991 - 2000 | Tisell & Co Advokatfirma, Partner |
1985 - 1990 | Tisell & Co Advokatfirma, Associate |
1983 - 1985 | Södra Roslags District Court |
1982 - 1983 | Law firm Wendell, Lakefish, Froelich & Power, Seattle, USA |
1982 | Stockholm University, LL.M. |
2003 | Member of the Swedish Bar Association (earlier 1989-2000) |
Swedish |
English |
Eva-Maj is co-author of the Commentary on the Swedish Public Procurement Act (Kommentar till Lag (2016:1145) om offentlig upphandling, upplaga 3, utgiven 2021) |
She is also co-author to the Commentary on the Swedish Act on Public Procurement Act within the Water, Energy, Transport and Postal Services Sectors. |