19.10.28After Work | Cirio Life Sciences
Intellectual property rights and know-how (IPR) are key in biotech, medtech and eHealth, although the available means of protection vary between products/services and companies. It is, therefore, essential to understand how IPR is created and managed. Although IPR management can be challenging and may require prioritization, it is likely to have significant value effects for the long term.
During the AW we will address some new aspects of IPR management relevant for life science companies:
- Identifying and protecting inventions.
- Ways to protect software assets.
- Protection of know-how and other information.
- IPR and clinical studies.
- Drafting of employment, consultancy and shareholder agreements to protect the IPR.
By paying due attention to IPR and making the necessary investments it is possible to secure the platform for the future growth.
26 november 2019
Cirio Advokatbyrå, Mäster Samuelsgatan 20, 111 44 Stockholm, Sverige