Assignments February 10, 2022

Cirio advises the Scandinavian Biogas group in its 300 million investments in a bio-LNG plant.

Cirio has advised the Scandinavian Biogas group in its 300 million investments in a bio-LNG plant.

The Scandinavian Biogas group will expand its biogas facility in Södertörn, by investing in a new biogas liquefaction plant to be supplied and serviced by Air Liquide S.A. The plant will produce 220 GWh of liquefied biogas per year and become the largest plant of its sort in Northern Europe. The project also includes the construction and connection of a gas pipeline. In the project, Scandinavian Biogas will collaborate with Gasnätet Stockholm regarding gas infrastructure and with Stockholm Vatten och Avfall at Henriksdal in Stockholm and SRV Återvinning AB at Södertörn.

Recognising, the project’s environmental benefits, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s program Klimatklivet has granted investment support of SEK 135 million to the project.

Cirio’s team consisted of Jörgen Möller, Maria Hanbo, Erik Engström, Nicole Jerad, Ina Laurell and Carsten Hierl.

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