
Lukas Granlund

Managing Associate

Lukas specialises in public affairs (including public procurement and state aid) and belongs to Cirio's sector groups Life Science, Healthcare & Food and Digital & Technology. Lukas also has special experience in general administrative law, municipal law and publicity and secrecy legislation in connection with business between the public and private sectors. In procurement law, Lukas works regularly all sectors, and thus has solid experience from both LOU, LUF, LUK and the LUFS legislation, including security-protected procurement. In procurement law, Lukas works continuously with advice and dispute resolution for both suppliers and contracting authorities.

Through his involvement in Digital, Lukas has special knowledge and experience from procurement in the digital business sector. Through his involvement in Life Science, Healthcare and Food, Lukas also has special knowledge and experience of the procurement market in the Life Science sector.

Lukas has written several legal articles in procurement law etc. Read more under Publications.

Lukas is regularly leading courses in procurement under the auspices of Norstedts. In addition, Lukas is often hired as a speaker in seminars regarding procurement, and has, among other things, participated as a speaker at Upphandlingsdagarna, Mötesplats offentliga affärer, Almedalen and Swedish MedTech's procurement committee.


2019 Cirio Law Firm
2015 - 2018 Advokatfirman Lindahl, Senior Associate
2013 - 2015 Court Clerk


2013 Uppsala University, LL.M.


2017 Member of the Swedish Bar Association
Nätverket för unga upphandlingsjurister, NUU


Regularly writing articles in e.g. MedTech Magazine and Offentliga affärer
Co-author of the Commentary on the Swedish Act on Public Procurement Act within the Water, Energy, Transport and Postal Services Sectors
Co-author of Commentary on the Swedish Public Procurement Act (Rosén Andersson, Norstedts Juridik)
Lukas is also one of the authors of “Offentlig upphandling av koncessioner – en handbok” (Granlund, Hallberg, Mühlenbock, Norstedts juridik)




2019 Cirio Law Firm
2015 - 2018 Advokatfirman Lindahl, Senior Associate
2013 - 2015 Court Clerk


2013 Uppsala University, LL.M.


2017 Member of the Swedish Bar Association
Nätverket för unga upphandlingsjurister, NUU


Regularly writing articles in e.g. MedTech Magazine and Offentliga affärer
Co-author of the Commentary on the Swedish Act on Public Procurement Act within the Water, Energy, Transport and Postal Services Sectors
Co-author of Commentary on the Swedish Public Procurement Act (Rosén Andersson, Norstedts Juridik)
Lukas is also one of the authors of “Offentlig upphandling av koncessioner – en handbok” (Granlund, Hallberg, Mühlenbock, Norstedts juridik)



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