Assignments May 22, 2020

Cirio advised Polhem Infra investing in a windfarm project

Cirio has advised Polhem Infra when investing in a windfarm project in Härjedalen, Northern Sweden, called Skaftåsen. The windfarm will, when complete, comprise of 35 turbines which will produce approximately 353 GWh per year, corresponding to the energy consumption of some 100,000 households. The windfarm is scheduled to be complete and to start producing electricity in 2021. Polhem is investing in the windfarm alongside Foresight Group, BAE Systems Pension Funds, KLP and Arcano Managed Funds.

Cirio’s team consisted of Peter Högström (Partner and Team Leader), Fredrik Morfeldt (Senior Associate, M&A and Energy), Maria Hanbo (Senior Associate, Energy).

For more information, please contact any of the lawyers involved:



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